
Hand Engraving

Gilson’s Engraving is honored to help preserve the skillful art of hand engraving through a Traditional Arts Apprenticeship program made possible through Ohio Arts Council.

The Traditional Arts Apprenticeship program provides support for master artists to work with apprentices to build understanding and proficiency in folk and traditional art forms. By pairing exemplary practitioners of traditional art forms with dedicated apprentices, this program allows for concentrated study and cultural transmission while teaching and sharing of important cultural traditions and enrich the lives of people throughout the state.

Our Traditional Arts Apprentice, Susan Brabenec, has been working with our owner and master artist, Tony Gilson, to develop the hand engraving skillset.

As part of her apprenticeship, Susan will be sharing her work and knowledge during a Hand Engraving Showcase on Wednesday, June 7th from 5:30pm to 8pm at the Gilson’s store in Madeira.