Sterling Silver Cushion Cuff Links

Sterling Silver Cushion Cuff Links


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The classic look of sterling in a uniquely modern shape. The cushion cuff link has the style you want. Engrave with a stylish monogram in block or script.

Made in the USA

    Click magnifying glass to see additional views of font.

    Maximum number of characters: 30

    Click magnifying glass to see additional views of monogram. What is a monogram?

    Maximum number of characters: 3

    Please enter (3) initials for first name / last name / middle name. Example: Jane Ann Smith = JSA. 

    Click magnifying glass to see additional views of font.

    *In Hands Date?

    Click magnifying glass to see additional views of font.

    Maximum number of characters: 30

    Click magnifying glass to see additional views of monogram. What is a monogram?

    Maximum number of characters: 3

    Please enter (3) initials for first name / last name / middle name. Example: Jane Ann Smith = JSA. 

    *In Hands Date?

    Click magnifying glass to see additional views of font.